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Setting up your platform
Get started and discover all you need to know about the general settings of your platform
Platform Launch Checklist ✓Must-do's before you launch your platform
Setting up the URL for your engagement platformYou can set up the URL for your platform using a Go Vocal domain, a subdomain of your organisational website or another custom domain.
Changing the settings of the automated email notificationsThe platform can send out automated notifications. An admin and any individual user can decide which ones to activate.
Using Smart and Manual User Groups + 🎥Learn how you can create user groups so you can set the right viewing and participation rights in your project.
Customize the Terms and Conditions if neededAdd your organisational terms and conditions to the T&C page
Creating a general admin profileUse a general admin account to communicate with participants and post input in your projects.
Adding the 'reply to' email address of your platform
Customize the Privacy Policy for your organisationAdd your organisational items to the Privacy Policy page
Getting access to Google Analytics data from your platformGive us your Google Tracking ID and get access to all analytics linked to your platform.
Use Citizenlab Data in PowerBIHow to use the PowerBI templates to access Citizenlab Data in your PowerBI Workspace
Changing the look and feel of your platformAdapt your platform’s look and feel to your visual identity by changing the platform colors, logo and banner image.
Creating custom pages on the platformUse rich information sections to tell stories better and get higher engagement from your community.
Customising your platform's logo
Adding events to your platformAugment your digital engagement strategy with online and offline events
Choosing Primary & Secondary ColorsDefine the look of your platform and keep it user friendly
Customising the navigation barAdd, remove and customize the name of the pages in the navigation bar
Customising your platform's fontMatch the font of your platform with the one from your website
Customizing the homepageManage the looks of your homepage and make it unique to your community
Customising the About pageAdd images, attachments, pictures and contact details!
What are the recommended dimensions and sizes of the platform images ?All you need to know about image sizes, dimensions and displaying. Also find some good and less good examples.
Changing the default language of the platformMaking sure your platform is in the language you want
Activating auto-translations on your platformContact Support via the chat on your platform to enable this invaluable feature
Adding a language to your platformSimply add as you need and change whenever you want