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Customising the About page

Add images, attachments, pictures and contact details!

Joost Vandenbroele avatar
Written by Joost Vandenbroele
Updated over a week ago

Your platform is launched with default content on the About page with some general information. The About page is always reachable through the 'About' tab in the navigation bar. Use this page to add:

  • platform wide Q&A's

  • general background information

  • images

  • video's

  • attachment (e.g. platform guidelines)

  • and most importantly...

... don't forget the contact details of your organisation on the About page. You should at least add an e-mail address visitors and users of the platform are allowed to contact if they have any questions on your platform our projects.

You can customise the About page by clicking on "Pages & menu" in the admin panel. Then click on "Edit" next to "About". Don't forget: Click save after you are done editing.

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