On the bottom of every page on the front-end of the platform, users can find the Terms and conditions of the platform. A person that registers on the platforms has to consent to the Terms and conditions to be able to complete their registration:
The Terms and conditions of GoVocal are automatically added to this page and are ready-to-use.
Through the general settings of the platform you can edit the information on this page. If you want to add information go to the admin panel of the platform and click on "Settings" > "Policies". Here you can select "Terms and conditions".
Next to editing the text of the Terms and Conditions page, you can also add attachments to the page. This can be useful when your organisation has a document with Terms and Conditions on citizen or community engagement for instance.
When you are done with editing the page, don't forget to save at the bottom of the page!
Do you have any questions or need help? Don't hesitate to send a message to support@govocal.com!