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Giving official feedback on and updating the status of many ideas at once

It is possible to easily add a (personalized) official update to a long list of ideas and change their status all at once.

Stijn Zwarts avatar
Written by Stijn Zwarts
Updated over a year ago

If you want to add a (personalized) official update to a long list of ideas and change their status all at once, you can fill out an excel sheet with the ideas, official updates you'd like to add, and/or new statuses, all added in separate columns. Please find the Excel-sheet template below, fill it out, and send it over to Once we receive the sheet, we'll take care of the import for you!


Export all the ideas on which you'd like to comment with an official update, and/or of which you want to change the status.


Copy all IDs (column A in your export file) of these ideas and paste them in column A ('ID') of the template you can download below.


Fill out: 

  • The Feedback Author Name (column B): this name will be shown to users and doesn't have to be a registered user on the platform. E.g.: 'Team Mobility - City of Nanaimo' or simply 'City of Nanaimo'. REQUIRED: This column must have a value for every row.

  • Feedback Email (column C): this is not shown to users but has to be the email of an already registered user/admin on the platform. REQUIRED: This column must have a value for every row.

  • Your Feedback (column D): the official update that will be shown below each idea on the platform. You can personalize this update by using "{{first_name}}" to have the citizen's first name inserted automatically. REQUIRED: This column must have a value for every row.

  • The New Status (column E): Optionally, you can choose any status that is in use on your platform, the status of the idea can be changed while the feedback is posted. The value must exactly match the title of an existing idea status.

  • First Name (column F): Optionally, sometimes users delete their account. In these situations, nothing gets substituted for "{{first_name}}" in the Feedback text. By specifying values for this column, those values can be used as first names for deleted authors.


Forward the filled out template file to and mention the exact moment (day, time) the updates and status changes should be applied. Our development team takes care of the import. Please note that we need 10 working days to plan this task ahead.

Once the import is finished, every user that has posted, commented on or voted on one of those ideas will get a notification of this official update and status change via e-mail. 

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