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Creating reports with Report Builder

Within a few clicks, you can generate an easily shareable report to send to your peers or community.

Stijn Zwarts avatar
Written by Stijn Zwarts
Updated over 3 months ago

With Go Vocal's Report Builder, you can create clear, visual, and tailored reports that enable you to share your community engagement results with colleagues and your community.

Reports can be generated quickly using your platform’s data. Within a few clicks, you can:

  • Use data from ideation projects and surveys, as well as extra insights about your platform’s visitors, to paint a complete picture of your engagement results

  • Drag & drop your preferred insights to generate a custom report

  • Add comments and structure the order of your chosen information

  • Share your final, customized report as a downloadable PDF or share back with your end-users below a phase as a mobile friendly report.

We have made it incredibly easy to use the Report Builder through a clean drag-and-drop interface. You can use a report template to build your report quickly or create your own report.

Access to this feature depends on your plan.

Table of Contents

How to enter the Report Builder

IF what you want to create it as a downloadable PDF to share via email for example:

Enter the report builder via de ‘Reporting’ tab in the back office. Click "Reporting" > click "Report builder" > click "Create a report".

If you do not see this tab this means it is not included in your price plan.

Add a title for your report. You'll then need to choose between "Start with a blank page" or "Start with a project template" or “Start with a Platform Template”. Click "Create a report" to enter the report builder.

Start with a blank page

If you "start with a blank page" you'll enter a the report builder that is completely empty. Below you'll find instructions on how to add content to the empty page using results and charts, and how you can edit the layout of this content.

Start with a project template

If you "start with a project template" you'll first need to select the project that you want to create a report about. After clicking "Create a report," the report builder will be filled with a couple of items:

  • 'About this report' - a short overview with the project title, the timeline dates and number of project participants

  • A section to write a short summary of the report

  • A section to write a short summary of the results

  • 'Participants timeline' - an overview of the different phases in the project through which registered users could participate

  • 'Most voted ideas' - an overview of the most voted for ideas in the project

  • 'Users by gender' - a chart with an overview of users by gender

  • 'Users by age ' - a chart with an overview of users by age

  • 'Visitors timeline' - an overview of the different phases through which visitors could find information

Some of these items will be automatically filled with data from the project, such as charts and timelines. Other sections need to be filled in manually with the right information.

Start with a platform template

If you start with a platform template, you'll first need to select the time range you want to create the report about. After clicking "Create a report," the report builder will be pre-generated with some relevant platform data around participation and inclusion for that period:

  • Visitors

  • Registrations

  • Participants

  • Demographic information for participants

  • Total projects published for period

  • Methods used

IF what you want to create is a mobile-friendly Phase Report, and share it back with your end-users in the front office of your platform, below the project timeline then:

Enter the report builder via your Project. Create an Information phase first → this is the entry point to our ‘Phase Reports’ functionality.

If you have run an ideation, surveying or voting phase you want to summarize the outcomes of, head over to the ‘report’ tab within your Information phase, and click on ‘Create Report’

Upon clicking you will be given the chance to start from a Blank page or select an automated draft report capturing data from a previous phase.

Upon creation, the Phase Report will show under the ‘Report’ tab of your information phase. It will only get published when your phase is active, but if you still want to keep it hidden, you can use the ‘Visible’ toggle to control what your end-users can see.

Here’s a view of the report as shown in the front office of your platform.

Results, Charts, Layout, and Content

On the left side of the Report Builder, you'll see a menu that has 2 tabs: 'Widgets' and 'AI' (depending on your plan). In both of these parts, there are items you can drag and drop to the middle of the screen to use them. The differences between widgets and AI uis explained in detail below.

Adding items

If you want to edit a part of the section you just dragged and dropped in - for instance, to add an image or edit the text - click on the part you want to edit, and the editor will pop up on the right side of the screen.

You can also adjust how the different blocks of a section are arranged; or, if no longer needed, you can delete the block.

How to choose the layout

If you are building your report from a blank page, you start by dragging different columns to the middle of the screen. You can change the alignment of the columns on the right and if you want multiple rows of columns, you can add white space to make sure the alignment of the rows is set how you want it. You can even drag and drop columns within other columns!


Under 'Widgets' there are several items to choose from. You can add basic empty blocks like text fields, images and columns that you need to fill in yourself. You can also add results to specific survey questions, inputs with most reactions and add specific inputs. In the last category you can select a variety of charts bases on registration data or on participation in a specific project.

The section 'About this report' consists of 3 items. At the top, the logo of the platform is displayed. Below that, the title of the report is shown. And finally, the third part lists the title of the report, the period of the project, and the project managers. The title and the text of 'About this report' can be edited when you click on the part you want to change.

The section 'Title' can be used for the title of a new chapter or part within your report. It automatically enlarges the text so it's clear that it's a heading.

The section 'Text' is a frame to add text to your report.

The section 'Image' allows you to add an image.

When you picked one of the these sections, you can still edit them by changing the layout or adding other content. Changing the layout can be done by clicking and holding the section you want to move and dragging it to your preferred spot. If you want to edit a section, you simply click on it and the editor will appear to the right.

How to add and edit Results and Charts

Once you have dragged your desired number of columns into place, you can start filling them with information. There are a couple of options you can choose from to create content with: 'Results' and 'Charts'.


  • 'Survey results' - this section automatically displays results from an in-house survey.

    • Note: It won't take results from external survey tools

    • Certain pricing plans have access to our data grouping feature, which allows you to show survey data for a question grouped by certain demographic attribute (e.g. gender)

    • Results for quantitative questions will show in the form of aggregate bar charts.

    • To add open-ended responses to short or long text questions, use the AI generated summaries.

  • 'Most reacted ideas' - this section automatically displays the most for voted ideas from a certain project

    • A project needs to be selected from the right side after adding this section to your report

    • You can choose how many ideas you want to show


There are several charts that you can add to the report. When you have selected a certain chart, the title and attributes of the chart can be selected and edited on the right side.

Data grouping

Data grouping gives you the opportunity to show survey data for a question grouped by registration fields (gender, location, age, etc) or other survey questions. When you selected the right question you can then choose if you want to group the results to that question based on a registration field or on the answers of another question. You can then choose which registration field or question you want to show.

If you cannot access this option it means it is not included in your price plan

Use AI in your report

Next to the tab 'Widgets' you can find the tab to use AI in your report. This tab is very useful to get a summary about the results for a specific open question from a survey or to get a summary about the inputs you collected in a phase. If you do not see this tab it means is not included in your price plan.

First select the project, then select the right phase. If it is a phase with a survey, select the open question you want to summarize. If the phase is about collecting input, the summary will automatically show. You can drag and drop the summary into your report, by hovering over the paragraph icon at the top left of your summary and dragging it onto the report itself.
The in-line references you see in the AI summary bubble that link the summary to specific inputs this is based on will not show when you drag the summary onto the report itself.

How to share the report

To share a report, click on 'Print' in the top right corner of the report builder or select it on the right from the list of all the reports that you've created.

The file will be downloaded and added to your download folder on your device. You can share this with whomever you choose.

Need more help or support? Contact our Support Team via the chat bubble.

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