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The link I have communicated to users for participating doesn't work
The link I have communicated to users for participating doesn't work

Common reasons and trouble shooting tips to investigate and fix the issue of participation links not working for users.

Nola Moreau avatar
Written by Nola Moreau
Updated over a week ago

When communicating the URL of a project or survey to users for them to participate you may get an Error message saying that you do not have the rights to view the page. Here are some common reasons you can double check yourself.

  1. Check if the project is published - if the project is not published then unless you are using the review link it will not be visible to users.

  2. Check general project visibility settings - in the project settings, go to access rights, and check what the visibility settings are. If this is set to a selection of users, then unless the user is part of this selected group, the project will not be visible to them.

  3. Check if you are sharing the URL of the survey or the project URL - if the survey users have to participate in has some access rights which require them to create an account or verify an email or answer demographic questions before participation, then sharing the URL of the survey will cause an error as users won't have the permission to participate. It is always recommended to share the URL of the project not the survey, so that users have to go through the verification steps to have access to participate in the survey.

If none of these give you an idea of why the URL is not working please contact support via the chat bubble on your platform (or via

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